Ocean Blue Staffing International is located in Daytona Beach, FL. Search, find & apply for jobs directly on your mobile device or desktop. Ocean Blue Staffing International was established out of many concerns, one of which being many qualified persons were unemployed. We have created a better staffing alternative thus making the process simple, reliable, and beneficial to all related. Best of all our ‘purchasers’ can focus on other areas while we take the trouble out of recruiting staff.

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Search, find and apply for jobs directly on your mobile device or desktop Manage all of the jobs you have applied to from a convenience secure dashboard.
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Quick Career Tips

Found by employers communicate directly with hiring managers and recruiters.

How It Works

The first step is getting the right people in the right jobs and developing employee's to understand the skill needed to perform their jobs.
  • Register an account

    Register an account and We'll quickly match you with the right positions.
  • Specify & search for your job

    Browse jobs that best fit your skill set and submit your application.
  • Apply for job

    Use the Ocean Blue staffing platform to apply for a position and submit your resume